Post Office Will kits… Will they cut it?

I’ve got a thing about beautiful old Post Office buildings. Yes I have a soft spot for vintage everything, a gentler time.

The regional areas are the spots to find the real beauties.

Take this one in Stanthorpe, Queensland… you feel like walking back in time.

When it comes to Post Office Will kits though I’m a bit less of a fan….

In principle they’ve got the basics, particularly if your affairs are simple.

The problems arise from various .

Some of the issues we have seen with PO Wills or DIY Wills include:

  • Not having them completed correctly;

  • Incomplete disposal of total estate leading to partial intestacy;

  • Improper execution;

  • Names incorrectly spelled;

  • Gifting assets that were jointly held with other persons which means the gift fails;

  • Undated

  • Use of different coloured inks that raises issues for Probate

For less that the cost of an affidavit to fix a simple problem, you can have a simple will professionally drafted by our office. You can get started 24/7 using our portal or book a discovery call with me.

The other point is if you have some value in your estate to pass on (ie over $500,000) then your beneficiaries will probably get better value from a Testamentary Trust. Our fact finding page can be found here.

You can reach out anytime if you need a hand with Wills, estate planning, Probate or deceased estates.

We are here to serve.

Speak soon.



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